Transforming a boring shirt...
Transforming a Boring Shirt into a Cool One
(with recycled materials)
Once in a while, everyone find themselves in a situation when they would like some of the pieces of their wardrobe to be slightly different. Perhaps it's not in style anymore or just it doesn't fit your taste any longer. My problem was a shirt with "sentimental value" with more than one issue.
For this project I have used materials from my "sewing recycle box".
This is what you need to transform a boring shirt into a charming Provencal shirt:
*beads (different shapes, colours and sizes) - in the colours of the shirt (blue, orange, green, lavender..for my shirt)
*good quality metallic sewing machine thread (blue in my case)
*3 m (length) of white lace stripes, approximately 2-4 cm wide (in the base colour of the shirt)
All you need are beads, lace, metallic thread
and a sewing machine
This is where the change happens: (the sleeves and neck opening.)

Sew the opening with a metallic blue thread to create a nice finish on the edge. I did a zig-zag stitch.
Attach your lace strips to the bottom and sleeves. Use metallic blue thread and a zig-zag stitch.
Make lace bow tie from leftover lace and attach it by hand to the corner of the neck opening.
Start by adding beads as a necklace around the neck opening. I did the front side only, but -if desired- the back side can be beaded too.
Et Voila!
A T-shirt with Charme Provencal.